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Potassium liquid glass is one of the varieties of liquid glasses, which are essentially aqueous solutions of potassium silicate. The main methods for the production of liquid glass are the dissolution of silicate lumps in rotary autoclaves, as well as the dissolution of silicate lumps by a non-autoclave method.
Liquid potassium glass is a thick, sticky liquid with a pink-gray or gray-blue color. It is based on a salt called potassium silicate K2O(SiO2)n. The cost of its production is slightly higher than that of sodium, so it can be found much less often.
It is valued for its original properties, which distinguish it not only among construction and repair substances, but also among other silicate compositions.
Characteristics of potassium liquid glass (K2SiO3)
- Creates excellent waterproofing.
- It is not afraid of temperature fluctuations, so it can be included in the flame-retardant composition.
- Can protect surfaces from chemically aggressive environments
- Increases the hardness of materials and the speed of placement of plaster and primer mixtures,
- Has excellent adhesion to various surfaces,
- Protects against bacteria and fungi,
- Liquid potassium glass has a looser structure and absorbs moisture more easily
- More resistant to acids and atmospheric influences,
- When heated, potassium glass does not melt, but gradually softens,
- After drying, it forms a more matte surface without glare and salt stains, which is necessary in the production of paints,
- Forms a more elastic coating.
Today, potassium liquid glass is used in all areas where protection against acids, moisture and fire is required:
- It is an indispensable component of paint solutions and is also used in painting. It is well diluted with water and included in primer solutions. Compositions with the addition of potassium glass are applicable for indoor and outdoor work, when they are completely dry, they do not leave stains and streaks.
- It is an ingredient in fertilizers/liquid fertilizers
- Used in sealing cracks and repairing equipment characterized by high temperatures (furnaces),
- Used in the production of welding electrodes.